Saturday, April 21, 2007

Apple Chimmecheesecake

So last night we had a small group "outing" at chris and kellee's house. And it was definitely a small group considering there was only me, kellee, amy, kiana, emily and kathleen (who isn't in my small group but came anyway) But oh my goodness I had a good time. We had chocolate fondue, which might have been better if we didn't burn it. But I am definitely not blaming anyone because it was our first time using the pot and how were we supposed to know that it was going to get so hot? And for all you curious people out there, burned chocolate tastes like coffee and burned marshmellow. Was definitely not my favourite combonation but the girls didn't seem to mind. We also played scattegories which I LOVE. Amy thought the friendly ghost's name was Jasper. I laughed a lot. I really enjoyed all of the girls who were there last night. I kind of like it when there's only a few people. When there's more the shy-ish ones get lost.
So my sister leaves for India tomorrow and I haven't talked to her yet! This makes me really sad because I don't know if she knows she's supposed to get me a present! hehe. I guess all I can do now is pray for them.
OOh, Danica and I are going to make necklaces for all of the bridesmaids. I have been looking and looking but I haven't found anything that I thought would look nice with the dresses. But luckily danica is experienced and we're going to have a sisterly bonding time of necklace making haha. I should get the rest of the invitations out!
I just thought of this... If anyone ever goes to applebees, you seriously have to have dessert. They have some of the best desserts I have ever tasted. Last weekend nathan and i went and had what the title of this post is. It's like cheesecake with apple chunks wrapped in a tortilla type thing, deep fried and sprinkled with cinnamon and sugar. I know my blog explains my philosophy about fruit chunks, but this dessert was seriously good. Go and get yourself one.
They also have really good orange pop which i have been a big fan of lately. I haven't had pepsi in like two weeks! I have probably drank like 1,542,901 litres of orange pop though. I wonder if it has vitamin C in it. I'm going to check. It doesn't. K, bye.


  1. Anonymous said...
    Hey Keroodoo! It's me, Vanoodoo and your sister Missy Girl! Your blog is funny and we love you bunches and bunches. :)
    -- Vanessa and Lindsay
    Chris, Kellee, Tyler, JJ, and Emilee said...
    You're so cute! I love reading your blog...keep at it

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