Tuesday, August 21, 2007

My dad meant to say "out of breath"

The dishes and laundry are piling up so I think it's time to write another post. Isn't that how it always works? I think so!

Of course I'm going to have to mention how married life is going. We don't really understand why people say newlyweds always fight because we haven't been. I'm actually wondering if there's something seriously wrong with us. haha. We decided that we get frustrated with one another but not angry, which I'm sure is a good thing. We expected to get frustrated with one another, we're totally different people trying to "become one" as they say. We've found it quite entertaining to see how each other react in a situation, and then talk about it after and analyze where our thoughts and actions stem from. You all should do that one day, it's fun! There's so much more I could say about marriage, even though i've only been a part of one for 7 weeks... I think I'll write a book. If everyone who reads this promises to buy my best seller I will give them 50% off, what do you think?

On Sunday night, Nathan and I had our night caps on, ready to settle in for a long winter's nap when all of a sudden there was stirring on the other side of the bed from me. Nathan quickly got up without saying anything and I knew right away what was going on... we had an intruder!!! Are you all nervous? Don't be, it was just a spider. But seriously, this spider was the mother of all spiders. I have seen bigger but I was in Africa so that doesn't really count. So Nathan dashes out of the room with me screaming "He's on the move, he's on the move!!" And he comes back adorned in steel toed boots and with a weapon (a broom) in hand. After having a short photo shoot with the spider, Nathan announced that he was going to "Show it who's boss!" I held my breath as my brave knight (just to make it a little more dramatic) lifted the broom above his head and swatted the beast from it's perch. It was stunned but it's legs started moving a mile a minute towards my closet. Screams could be heard from a mile away as I realized the perspective horror of a spider getting lost in, and eventually inhabiting my closet. So Nathan's savage insticts to protect his woman came out and he brutalized the spider once more. He took the broom and launched the spider through the air into our bedroom door. This time it just lay there, a few legs missing, and nathan took his foot and stomped the crap out of it. Then to end this dramatic moment in our lives, he dust busted it up and we went to sleep.... But not without the fear of the mother spider returning to haunt our dreams.
The End.

I will put some pictures up when I figure out how to get them. Yes, I am technologically challenged.

I had one other adventure that I do not care to go into detail about. All you have to know is that I almost puked on someone's head. Lindsay can testify to that. No chunks, just lots of gag. Oh, I'm going to the P.N.E. this weekend. Woohoo.
Have a wonderful day everyone!

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Being the professional procrastinator I am, and at the request of my sister, I have decided to update my blog. I'm supposed to fold all of mine and nathan's laundry. That's boring and I hate folding laundry so I don't think I'll do that right now.

So I'm sure lots has happend since I've last updated, but nothing super excting comes to mind... so here I go rambling.

Rough Acres was really really cool. My job for the week was to look after the support staff. I pretty much ran around telling people where they were supposed to be, what they were supposed to be doing, and asking them why the heck they weren't doing what I told them to. haha. It was a lot of fun. The best time was definitely when all the kids left. That night we had a campfire and it was just an amazing time of worship and prayer. It was beautiful with the fire, and the millions of stars above, and the cool clean air. It was just one of those times that you can't really explain, but you know you just don't want to forget. God's presence was very evident and you could just feel it. Yay!

I'm watching Dr. Phil right now and he's doing a show on wedding disasters. I'm so glad nathan didn't get drunk and punch my dad like this woman's groom did... So, living with Nathan has definitely been interesting. We are learning so much about eachother and how we react to situations. It's so good though because although we have a little conflict at times, it has definitely strengthened our relationship instead of tearing us apart. It's an adventure and it's so much fun! Except for the whole farting in bed thing. Why do men do that? haha.

Nathan and I went to see Hairspray last night and oh my goodness gracious it is soooo good! I laughed so much because it made me so happy. It is probably one of the funnest movies I've ever seen. I literally danced out of the movie theatre, of course with Nathan holding on to my arm hoping that I would end his embarassment very soon. I respect my husband so I did stop my attempt to make my life into a musical. I really want to go see it live now, wouldn't that be lovely?

I have pictures of my new home but I still don't know how to use this computer so I can't get them off the camera on to the computer but that's okay. I'm really enjoying living in our basement suite. I love our patio... I just really wish i had two lounge chairs so we could sit out there and sip some iced tea, just looking into the beautiful, lush green forest. I love trees! Anyhoo, I should really go accomplish something for the day. Laundry, here I come!

p.s. if anyone wants to donate lawn lounge chairs to us it will be graciously accepted haha