Sunday, October 19, 2008


Wow, my sister Kate sure does trust me. She handed me $350 of her hard earned money and allowed me to walk around Ikea and buy anything that tickled my fancy... but for her room. I was so excited when she told me I could do this, it didn't even require begging!! Unfortunately I didn't take any before pictures, that would have been a good idea. My "after" pictures aren't even that good, but they will give you an idea of how we turned her child like room into a contemporary adult oasis. (Can you tell I've been watching a lot of home and garden television haha.) AND we came in under budget! haha

Sweet lights hey? I love these!

Fake flowers to match the ones on the pictures on the wall!

So when Nathan and I picked her up from work I made her close her eyes and then I walked her into her new room. She said holy crap a lot, ate some candy, and had a huge smile on her face. I think that means she likes it?


  1. Anonymous said...
    It looks so good ker! I wish I could have helped! But I'm really impressed. How'd you come up with the mirrow grouping thing?
    Kerri said...
    have you done that before? i wanted to put them like diamonds, and then nate suggested we make it into one big diamond. so if we did steal, it wasn't intentional haha
    Anonymous said...
    very cool! do you want to be my interior decorator after i move out? :) haha

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