Wednesday, October 15, 2008


First off I have to give a big congratulations to Amy and Shawn for getting engaged! That's so exciting and I'm invited to the wedding so that's even better! haha. And also, Congratulations to my friend Cheri and her husband for tying the knot last week! Oh i just love it!!

So Nathan and I both got iphones a couple weeks ago. Oh my goodness gracious they are so much fun! I have no idea how i functioned before without one. Jk, but seriously they are so fun! Yesterday I bought this application for my phone where it puts a bunch of bubble wrap on the screen and you can pop it. Sounds like a waste of money but it was only .99 cents and it's actually pretty satisfying haha. And that is also why I will have pictures on here today because it's so much easier just to take pictures on my phone (not to mention that I have no idea how to get pictures off of my actual camera haha)

We got bored a couple weeks ago and decided to change around our bedroom. I like it way better this way. These pictures are for Lindsay and Vanessa, the ones who actually would care haha....

For the past three weeks, Nathan has been on the worship team at Gracepoint. He's been singing and leading some songs. He's really been enjoying it and I have to say that he is absolutely amazing! I know it's not a performance or anything, but I'm allowed to be proud of him and his gifts because I'm his wife. Seriously though, he is so gifted! He's had so many people tell him that he has a beautiful voice, including a music producer lady from calgary who just happened to be at church this past sunday. I thought that was pretty cool. Okay, I just re-read what I wrote there and it sounds bad, like we're treating this as a performance and a way to impress people. We're not, I swear, I'm just proud of Nathan and I'm excited that he has this outlet to use his gifts. I can't wait until we get him through school and he can lead people in worship on a regular basis... that's what he loves. He also really enjoys the Worship Pastor there and he's getting together with him on a regular basis just to connect and do a discipleship type of thing. This is way more than we could have hoped for! We've also been meeting more people at church and it's very exciting for us. We had coffee with one of the pastors and his wife and it ends up that he and I actually went to the same highschool at the same time... he graduated with my sister. Weird eh? We're really enjoying Gracepoint and we feel that this is definitely where God wants us to be.

I start my course tomorrow night and it's scary! It's only an eight week thing, but hopefully it will give me the skills I need to get a higher paying secretary job. It makes me nervous starting new things, but I know it will be good. Ooooh, and Danica is going to teach me how to knit! Hopefully it won't be as frustrating as crocheting! I'm watching Restaurant Makeover and they're making nachos... can you guess what I want now. Bye.

Oh, and here's some cute pictures of Toby and Aysha... just because they're cute!


  1. Vanessa said...
    WOW your room looks great. I love the bed by the window like that. Very very nice! Miss you!!
    Vanessa said...
    WOW your room looks great. I love the bed by the window like that. Very very nice! Miss you!!
    Vanessa said...
    Ooops... sorry. Didn't meant to put that there twice. haha.
    Anonymous said...
    Ooh la la! Your room looks amazing! So cozy!
    Anonymous said...
    oooh yay I got a personal mention, I feel so priviledged :P I'm glad that you guys are enjoying Gracepoint so much and that you are feeling like that's where God wants you. I'm happy for Nate too that he's been able to get so involved there :)

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