Tuesday, April 24, 2007

I may just be writing because I wanted to add a picture, I haven't decided what my intentions are yet. Anyhoo... This is Kathleen and I love her. Only in the last two-ish years have I realize what a blessing sisters are. Seriously, they are so much fun! I don't think Kathleen and I have slept in our rooms by ourselves since Christmas. And before Christmas we hadn't slept in our own rooms by ourselves since summer! Lots of people might think we're crazy but we just really enjoy eachother. And plus I really don't like sleeping downstairs by myself, it's creepy. In february Kathleen and I decided to move into Lindsay's room and be full-time committed roomates. It WAS a big step, honest. hehe. See, this is why sisters are good... who would want to share a room with a stinky brother? Definitely not me. Anyhoo, so last night I made her turn on a little reading light so I could try and get to sleep. But then she started making shadow puppets on the wall. A big black rooster said to me, "What up K-Dawg?" ( I meant black as in the shadow, just so you know. Sorry if I offended anyone) And then it proceeded to fight with some other animal. Finally at about 12:15ish she got tired and went to bed.

This is Lindsay. I realize Kathleen takes way more pictures of herself than Lindsay does and this was like the ONLY one on the computer. Sorry Linds. Anyhoo.. So, this is my big sister, affectionately known as Missy Girl by friend and family. She says she hates it but I think she secretly loves it. Lindsay and I had the ultimate bonding experience by enduring our freshman year together.. and we only had a few fights which is impressive for living in such close quarters and hanging out like 14 hours a day! It was fun right Linds? IT WAS! We had to do a project together and after that she swore she would never work with me again. I'm more interested in saying Hebrew words in interesting voices than actually getting an "A". Pesach! ( I think only Linds and Vanee will get this) Our relationship has gotten way better and I am so glad she is my sister and I am so proud of her for stepping out of her comfort zone and going to India even though she was convinced she was going to die there. Don't worry Linds, you won't! Remember, I thought the same thing about going to Sierra Leone! hehe.
So, this is my tribute to my sisters. I hope you have at least one because they're great! I'm kind of sad that our relationship is going to change after I get married... no more sharing rooms, hopefully no more baking of unleavened bread and prune balls... but change isn't always bad!!! We'll still laugh our butts off at the stupidest things that no one else thinks are funny. We're good at that!
- Chris, Kellee, Tyler, JJ, and Emilee said...
April 25, 2007 at 4:11 PMhi...that's was a great tribute and i'm not just saying that. I have admired your family for quite some time, and still do. There is a special bond that you all have, and it is genuine! I like that you guys protect each other, and will fight for each other. Reading your blog made me start to cry. I too love my sister so much, and had so many wonderful memories growing up. We had all the same friends, and did just about everything together. Reading your blog has reminded me of those times, and makes me feel sad that they are less frequent now. Your lives are definitly going to change, and hopefully your sisterhood will only grow stronger because of the change. It definitly has for me, even though we are worlds apart! I love you kerri, and appriciate you and what you have to say!- Anonymous said...
April 25, 2007 at 7:08 PMoh kerri !!!! I LUV YOU !!!
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