Thursday, April 26, 2007

Although I put this on my facebook thingy, I thought it was important to share it with my blogger friends. This is no laughing matter, please don't try this at home.

I wanted a fudgesicle, and I wanted it bad. I thought I would be funny by showing my dad how I could stick my tongue to it like the kid does to the pole in "The Christmas Story". I thought it would only stick a little bit, but it stuck a lot. I screamed out in pain, yes, my tongue was stuck to my fudgesicle. It hurt. I tried to pull away from the frozen treat, but it did not work. Only one little tastebud would come loose at a time, and time is not something I had. I could feel the chocolatey goodness start running down my chin and I knew I only had about thirty seconds before it started leaking all over my clothes. And my tongue was going numb. Did I mention it hurt, because it did. I ran to the sink, I ran hard. My dad laughed at me as I poured hot water over my injured tongue to release it from the fudgesicle. BAM! it works. I could not feel the end of my tongue so I went to go look at it in the mirror. There were little patches of missing tastebuds. And I was losing blood fast. (I actually wasn't losing blood fast, I just added that for dramatic effect) I thought for sure there would be permanent damage. But there wasn't because today I am fine. Please be careful when eating frozen goodies.

Now how intense was that??

1 Comment:

  1. Stine-O said...
    It is totally ok that you read my blog as long as i can read yours. I am aslo so sad that i cannot come to you wedding but it will be amazing anyway. You ahev to send me pictures. Love you,

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