Monday, April 30, 2007
So, on saturday we were searching YouTube for something random and we found a guy dancing to Hot Machete by Jonezetta. This highly influenced what would happen next as we decided to make a video of our own. Matt and T.J. danced as Nathan filmed. Let me tell you, those moves were pretty sweet! Then Gareth decided to get in on the action so we filmed another one. That was a fun saturday afternoon. I almost peed my pants laughing. Anyhoo, the point of my telling you all this is because Nathan and I were searching the beautiful creation that is YouTube and we found this video. Wait through the first thirty seconds, trust me, you won't be disappointed. It brought tears to my eyes! Enjoy!
Sunday, April 29, 2007
So yesterday I had to pick up some shampoo and conditioner from the store. That trip turned into more like shampoo, conditioner, shaving cream, deodorant, nail polish, chocolate.. It's amazing how once you get in the store you find you "need" way more stuff! Anyway, we decided to take a trip to the "import aisle" because nathan wanted to see if they had jelly straws. I personally find them disgusting, he loves them! You know that crusty jello that is on the side of the container that no one wants to eat? Well I think some people from asia went around the world, collected that stuff, put them in tubes, and are selling them as yummy treats. Nasty I tell you! So he bought a huge tub of them and we used them to bribe the kids today in sunday school. They loved them too! They played with them and slurped them and pretended they were worms. I gagged. But they were good for like the whole lesson which was amazing! So yay to jelly straws for that! Oh, and if you read this vanessa, I also found some yummy goodies that I am going to buy for you when you come to visit! I think you'll like them!
Yesterday we also went to see the church slow-pitch team play a game. Now that was interesting. I'm not even being sarcastic! The other team they played were such whiners and it got so intense that I was about to pull my something out. I don't know what, but I'm sure it would have hurt! Nathan got a nice burn on one side of his face. It's kind of funny because in the middle of his nose is where red meets white. Sorry if this embarasses you Nathan, I think it's special!
On a sad note... April 28th Two Thousand and Seven marks two years of us living without our beloved Cosmo Samson. Let us remember him for his friendly nature, his cute smile, his soft fur, and his big boneded-ness. For all of you who do not know, Cosmo was our cat, not a person. Sorry if that disturbed you! He will be remembered fondly!

Lindsay is in India right now... pray for her safety and that she will adjust well to all the cultural stuff. And that her ministry will be effective.
This is just one little last thought, very small. Those synesael boys are sooo darn cute! And i'm not just saying this because I know Kellee will read my blog. I sat at a table with them at lunch today and they are just so funny and candid! K, that's all.
I like orange pop and dried mango. Okay, that is really all now.
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Although I put this on my facebook thingy, I thought it was important to share it with my blogger friends. This is no laughing matter, please don't try this at home.
I wanted a fudgesicle, and I wanted it bad. I thought I would be funny by showing my dad how I could stick my tongue to it like the kid does to the pole in "The Christmas Story". I thought it would only stick a little bit, but it stuck a lot. I screamed out in pain, yes, my tongue was stuck to my fudgesicle. It hurt. I tried to pull away from the frozen treat, but it did not work. Only one little tastebud would come loose at a time, and time is not something I had. I could feel the chocolatey goodness start running down my chin and I knew I only had about thirty seconds before it started leaking all over my clothes. And my tongue was going numb. Did I mention it hurt, because it did. I ran to the sink, I ran hard. My dad laughed at me as I poured hot water over my injured tongue to release it from the fudgesicle. BAM! it works. I could not feel the end of my tongue so I went to go look at it in the mirror. There were little patches of missing tastebuds. And I was losing blood fast. (I actually wasn't losing blood fast, I just added that for dramatic effect) I thought for sure there would be permanent damage. But there wasn't because today I am fine. Please be careful when eating frozen goodies.
Now how intense was that??
Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Saturday, April 21, 2007
So last night we had a small group "outing" at chris and kellee's house. And it was definitely a small group considering there was only me, kellee, amy, kiana, emily and kathleen (who isn't in my small group but came anyway) But oh my goodness I had a good time. We had chocolate fondue, which might have been better if we didn't burn it. But I am definitely not blaming anyone because it was our first time using the pot and how were we supposed to know that it was going to get so hot? And for all you curious people out there, burned chocolate tastes like coffee and burned marshmellow. Was definitely not my favourite combonation but the girls didn't seem to mind. We also played scattegories which I LOVE. Amy thought the friendly ghost's name was Jasper. I laughed a lot. I really enjoyed all of the girls who were there last night. I kind of like it when there's only a few people. When there's more the shy-ish ones get lost.
So my sister leaves for India tomorrow and I haven't talked to her yet! This makes me really sad because I don't know if she knows she's supposed to get me a present! hehe. I guess all I can do now is pray for them.
OOh, Danica and I are going to make necklaces for all of the bridesmaids. I have been looking and looking but I haven't found anything that I thought would look nice with the dresses. But luckily danica is experienced and we're going to have a sisterly bonding time of necklace making haha. I should get the rest of the invitations out!
I just thought of this... If anyone ever goes to applebees, you seriously have to have dessert. They have some of the best desserts I have ever tasted. Last weekend nathan and i went and had what the title of this post is. It's like cheesecake with apple chunks wrapped in a tortilla type thing, deep fried and sprinkled with cinnamon and sugar. I know my blog explains my philosophy about fruit chunks, but this dessert was seriously good. Go and get yourself one.
They also have really good orange pop which i have been a big fan of lately. I haven't had pepsi in like two weeks! I have probably drank like 1,542,901 litres of orange pop though. I wonder if it has vitamin C in it. I'm going to check. It doesn't. K, bye.
Friday, April 20, 2007
If anyone even reads this and you are wondering why I haven't posted anything it is definitely because I couldn't figure out how to sign in. Now that I actually tried and have finally succeeded, I feel like a complete idiot.
In other news... Lindsay is graduating from prbi tomorrow with her associate in christian studies. I am so proud of her and I really wish I could have gone but unfortunately I had to work. booooo. And I am very proud of my greatest friend Vanessa too. (She's also graduating) I remember last year around this time I was getting ready to go to Sierra Leone and I had plans of going back to school next year. Wow, things have changed haha. Sometimes I wonder if I made the right choice of not going back to school. Vanessa really encouraged me in this though by saying that even if it wasn't the right choice it's not like God is saying "Oh, she made the wrong choice, she's on her own now." So thanks Vanee, you made me feel way better.
Oh, and I'm also pretty jealous of these two because they are leaving for India in two-ish days and I have to stay here. But i'm getting married so that kind of makes up for it haha.
Okay, i'm done for now. I hope I have enough interesting things happen in my life so that I can actually write something that people will want to read.