Friday, May 2, 2008
So lots of things have happened since the last time I posted, but I was too busy to sit down and update so I forgot most of them, but here's what I do know.
Vanessa was here for a week just over a month ago. She is such a fun fun girl and now I'm super excited because she is moving down here for the summer and she's going to be living next door to me at my parents house. That will be interesting in many ways! While she was here we decided to go for a little photo shoot and that was a lot of fun...
Speaking of photos, I just entered this photo in the group called "Canada's Photo Contest" on facebook and I'm so nervous because I really want to win haha. The theme is green and out of the hundred or so photos entered so far I have the most votes! That makes me happy haha.
So something pretty cool happened a few sundays ago... Nathan was leading worship and a few weeks prior to that he felt that God was telling him that something big was going to happen this week during worship. He listened, followed God's direction on what songs to pick, and prayed A LOT about it. We have really been feeling lately that God wants Nathan to be a worship pastor, and I keep telling him that he's going to do something GREAT. I just feel it. Anyhoo, that sunday there was a few guys who were doing a presentation from this ministry called "team challenge" who help people with drug problems and after worship one of them got up on stage and spoke directly to Nathan and pretty much affirmed everything we have been feeling. He said that Nathan is a genuine worshipper, he is blessed with a gift and he is going to do great things for God. He talked directly to Nate for like a minute and it was just really cool because it wasn't really him talking, it was God talking through him. There was no way that this human being could speak to us and affirm everything we were feeling without ever having talked to us or even met us before. So as it turns out, God was doing something big in OUR lives that sunday. I wish I could explain what that moment really meant for us, but I just did my best right there.
Toby and Aysha got fixed a few weeks ago and are no longer trying to make babies... not that Toby really understood how to do it anyway. He's kind of dumb, I thought it was instinctual but apparently this cat has to be taught a few things. I just thought I'd share that.
Vanessa took this picture, isn't Aysha cute?
Have a good day!
Love ya!!