Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Well, I'm back at work now. I haven't decided how I feel about that quite yet. It is definitely nice to have a routine again, but those preteen boys are just so irritating it makes me want to pull my hair out. And the thing is, they're way worse for me than they are for any of the other staff because I'm young and apparently I don't deserve respect. They said yesterday they'd rather be rude than weird. I think that generation is going to have major problems.

On Friday night Nathan took me out for a date and it was fantastic! We went to the Old Spaghetti Factory for dinner, then he took me to Marble Slab for dessert, and then we headed out to High Knolls to play a round of mini golf. It was so much fun and we tied so I didn't have to be fake mad at him for kicking my butt! Random note: I discovered a dead bunny just off of hole 10. That's not really very important or interesting, but I thought I'd share that anyway.
Saturday we had a youth worship practice at 9 in the morning, I did not pick that time nor did I want to get up but I had to because Nathan threatend to meanly tickle me until I got out of bed. That pretty much means that he'll sit on me, put on a scary face and pretend he's some sort of savage animal attacking me, so I got up. Afterwards we had a very very long nap and a wonderful rest of our day bonding and having a really good time. Sunday looked pretty much the same except the nap was way longer haha. It was so long we didn't go to bed until about 4 in the morning. Monday was my dad's birthday so we went mini golfing again and we ate a dinner of steak and massive baked potatoes at 3:30 before Kate had to go to work. Then we watched the first Die Hard in the trilogy we got my dad for his new big screen t.v.

Unfortunately the weekend didn't really end on a happy note.

Nathan and I were about to walk out the door to go grocery shopping when there was a loud knock from the other side. I knew what was coming.... My mom was there with tears in her eyes. "She's gone." My granny had finally lost her battle with brain cancer.

Marguerite Riel (I think her dad was cousins with Louis Riel) was born in Saskatchewan in the 1920's. I would ask my dad what exact date but he's on the phone right now, and I don't even know if I spelled her name right. Oh dear me. Anyway... She married a man named Dollard Samson and had eight wonderful children, four girls and four boys, with Mr. Gary Samson being the wonderfulest of all of course! She enjoyed going dancing and dressing very funky for her age. We're talking mid-drif baring tops not too long ago haha. She was a pretty hip granny!

I was telling Nathan on Monday that he needs to really cherish his grandparents. I only have one gramma left, I didn't even get to meet my mom's dad. I'm only twenty and I know people who are way older than me who still have all of their grandparents. Cherish them, you're lucky if you still have them.

With all of these things going on in my family, my granny dying, my uncle being in the hospital with cancer, my dad having a stroke and then just last week having to go back to the hospital with other problems, has really made me realize that life is short. I don't want to have a wasted life, do you? Probably not. The only way to not have a wasted life is to live with Jesus as your guide. Give Him everything you are and your life will count for something.

I really want a kitten.

That's all folks.


  1. Anonymous said...
    aw kerr, i'm so sorry about your grandma, i really am. i will be praying for all you guys, definately! thank you for that reminder to cherish grandparents; i am extremely lucky to still know all four of mine but i realize that those times get shorter as each day passes. take care xx
    Chris, Kellee, Tyler, JJ, and Emilee said...
    kittens suck.
    from tyler.
    Queen*Caitlin said...
    Kerri! I'm sorry about your gramma. That sucks. Just a random question...was it the "Word to Your Mother" Gramma? Were you pretty close to her? I definitely cherish my grandparents alot...I realized kind of the same thing as you a couple of months ago. And kittens don't suck, but cats do. :)

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